How to Style Your Beard Like Drake with Style, Fade, Grooming Tips
How to Get Drake's Beard Style
Drake aka Hotbeard Bling
He's Drake. Drizzy. Aubrey Drake Graham. Actor. Rapper.
And a he has great beard! What can’t this guy do?
Drake is known all over the world for his rap skills. He’s even known for his kick-ass beard too.
The good news is you don’t need to drop album after album or even be rich to have access to a beard like Drake.
Before we get right into it, let’s talk a little about beard care. You can’t even think about what style of beard
Apr 2nd 2019
The 9 Best Beard Growth Products that Grow Your Beard Faster
Do you have trouble growing a beard? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, many men experience some sort of difficulty when they first learn how to grow a beard, whether it's a patchy beard or a mustache that won’t ever seem to connect to its beard. Luckily, there are beard growth products that can help you in your quest to grow a beard.When your beard first starts growing in and breaking through the skin, it's normal for it to feel extremely itchy.To keep the itchiness at bay while new facial hairs
Apr 2nd 2019
10 Reasons Why the Skin Under Your Beard Hurts: Stop Beard Itch & Pain
The Best Products for Beard Itch and Pain
In order to fight beard itch and pain, we first need to understand what makes a beard itchy in the first place.
We will also explore beard itch remedies like the best
beard oils, beard balms, and other products that treat and soothe the irritated skin under your beard.
When the skin under your beard hurts, it is usually because your facial hair and skin have become too dry. We will go over many other reasons why later in the post as well.
Apr 2nd 2019
The Best Hair Growth Oils for Growing Thin Hair Thicker and Faster
The best hair growth oils that increase hair growth and prevent hair loss
Your hair is serious business and the business of hair can be hairy. Our hair is very personal to us and is very expressive. It 's no mystery why there is such a varying market of hair growth products and a whole bunch of question marks attached to them.
We will be taking detailed looks into the best oils you can buy to nourish damaged and thinning hair follicles. On top of that we will provide you a detailed list of p
Feb 8th 2019
The Origin of Beard Beads and How to Use them in Your Beard
What are Beard Beads?
What are beard beads?
Simple question!
Beard beads are a decorative piece of jewelry that you thread through your facial hair and wear as a beard style.
This accomplishes a few things at once. Using beard beads can look pretty damn cool if style it properly. It also keeps it tidy and neat if you have a long beard.
Think about why Norsemen would use them. If you were a Viking and had a massive
Jan 24th 2019