No-Shave November: What's it all about?
No-Shave November - What's it all about?

November is a great time of year. The colors have already started changing, there might even be some snowfall around this time.
The weather starts cooling down significantly into comfortable jacket weather and that means there is no better time to stop shaving and grow a beard, mustache, crazy sideburns or even a funky little goatee.
With great beard comes great responsibility.
While rocking a full beard is awesome, if you want to do more than just let your facial hair grow such as helping charities like St. Jude’s Children’s hospital or want to help with suicide prevention you can do that too!
You may have heard of No-Shave November. How about Movember? And then Novembeard?
It can get confusing, though.
What’s the difference?
Other than not shaving in general, here’s the difference!

No-Shave November
This is pretty cool. No-Shave November (or NSN) is an organization that promotes growing facial hair and donating the money you would spend to cancer research.
The idea is to raise awareness by letting your facial hair grow wild and free, something that a lot of cancer patients don’t have the option to do as they lose their hair.
You can host your own fundraiser page or donate directly, the choice is up to you.
Another great idea. Movember is an international organization where men grow mustaches for the month of November to raise awareness for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.
Then after that, you are committed to running or walking a total of 60 miles for the month as well which is how many men are lost to suicide per hour.
There are a few definitions for Novembeard but they are center around the same thing.
Movember and Novembeard were both founded around the same time in 1999 in efforts to raise awareness for everything above.
There are many local chapters all around the world that are committed to raising awareness and accomplishing impressive fundraising goals, too.
Whatever the case is, we think it’s great that beards can do this much good in the world.
Consider growing out that beard and helping mankind. Literally.
Click here for No-Shave November information
Click here for Movember information
Click here for Denver Novembeard information
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